Wednesday 26 September 2012


 Please excuse my horrible make up
whilst having an hour long skype convo with sixuan <3 how bitchy can we get over Skype sigh ;)

Big Hello!

Greetings guys!!
Hope everything has been smooth for all.
Life's here is good and getting better, minor updates on how i am doing and stuff (just for those who are interested).

I have been adapting pretty well! Sucha drastic change from Thursday till now. So yeah been having a rather balanced lifestyle which includes lots of church & school work and some partying. Friday night's chinese church fellowship was really fun & I enjoyed myself so much, abit of grocery shopping here and there on Saturday and I've finally learnt to cook some proper meals which include chicken and vegetables. Yes amazing improvement I know right. When thrown into a circumstance like this, you have to survive. And I'm a survivor,so yeah I could handle this.
Alright fine, I admit it I was doing well with instant noodles till one day on skype with Joel & he told me that i could get hypertension and start throwing up & a thousand other awful things. That's when i started to learn to cook proper. So thanks there!

So Sunday was just amazing, chinese service @ 10am followed by the Frontline church service at 4pm, simply overwhelming, God was so real.
Monday was merely spent slacking away and yesterday was spent at another fellowship with a cell group :) it was nice and warm there, lovely.

So I had school till 12pm today and we went for a Jaguar Factory visit, it was simply cool though I was bored out a little, I must admit we saw how cars like the Jaguar and Land Rovers were made. Was given a tour, pretty boring stuff cept the boys would love it.
Skyped with Sixuan today for awhile <3 Thanks darling :) for making the effort & for the time :)

Anyway, I hope that has been pretty much of an update on my life, the spare time is really too much, boring when you have too much free time on your hand so i'm thinking of picking up my uke once again. Alrighty gotta get dressed, gonna go out tonight,


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