Tuesday 18 September 2012

A visit to the Cathedral

A visit to the cathedral a couple of days back :) 
It was a nice experience and yeah, pretty cool to me.

Gonna go for bible study on Friday & I should be picking up a skill soon! Contemplating between dance or the editorial team for the school's newspaper. I'm kind of excited because I'm still exploring my options, the welcome fair was pretty cool with loads of introductions to the clubs and societies. 
Trampoline and gymnastics seem like an option but I've never been the sporty type so I'm not too sure if it'll work for me. Other options included cheerleading (which would probably not work for me because I'm so heavy, I'd probably break the back of the person below me). And the sports like rugby and netball seems too sporty for me. 

Kind of excited for Sunday's service, am going to explore this new church from my school! Things are going pretty smoothly for now, still settling in but its much better. Moving into hall on Thursday, most of my stuff are in place, just gotta put the bedsheets and pillows in and it'd make a homely crib :) Will post photos of the room soon! :)

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