Friday 14 September 2012


Hello Earthlings, greetings!
So its the end of the week and induction week's over :)! Yay, well induction here at LJMU hasn't been like the usual ones we'd have in Sg with lots of Bonding games and activities but it has served its function pretty well in getting us orientated with the school's campuses and getting us started. Lots of lectures for the past 3 days and we've even got assignments already. #lifeofauniversitystudent

People here are really nice and friendly but I'm still trying to adapt and settle in, its a difficult after all as we all come from different backgrounds and I'm trying to get used to the speaking and all but I'm certain that things will work out in no time. "Keep calm and adapt" as quoted from Darren.

Checked out hall yesterday and its a really nice and cozy place to live in with 5 of us in an apartment! My room is really nice, undecorated as of now and the kitchen & living room is pretty neat. Met my housemates, 2 other girls and a guy and they're such warm people, I'm sure we'd get along well.

So my timetable's pretty slack and I kinda love it, school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday only, and it ends at 1pm on wednesdays. Gonna get a part-time job soon, prolly in October when I've settled in better. Ooh and next week is freshies week, crossing my fingers that it'd be fun.
And friends in Sg have been giving me lots of emotional support when i needed them, thank God for them or I'd have prolly not made it.
Been talking alot to Bri, Nic, Keith, Sixuan, Faruq and Raylene makes me smile :) They are so nice and supportive and their words of comfort and advice makes me smile whenever I feel so upset. Thank you dearies, :')

And I just got back from shopping and cooked a broccoli dish for my sister will post pictures soon! :) tomorrow!

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