Wednesday 12 September 2012

The Beginning of The Adventure

This is the journal that is gonna record an exciting phase of my life, I'm definitely stoked. So here goes,
Goodbye <3
 Joy is too cute
 too much love.

 the most awkward and random photo ever rofl
okay decided to post this photo up anw though i look like crap :(:( but yeah my only photo with adeline  , thanks for coming babe!!

Ain't gonna keep this short... 

Embarking on a brand new journey is not easy. Bidding goodbye to the friends that are treasured, giving up almost everything that you have and picking up courage to Go. It is difficult, but however, I see it as the beginning of a new phase of life, with so much to anticipate.

Honestly, I have everything I need in Singapore, lacking nothing and in fact I can say living in  abundance (thankful to God). Friends, Family, Church, God, Work, Love. But I chose to put this aside to move on to another chapter as I believe that its time to start stepping out of my comfort zone and experience something new, different and life-changing. If you were to ask me, I wouldn't have an answer, honestly but I'm sure God has the way paved for me.

I would really wanna thank the people who sent me off at the airport & those who cried, I am so blessed and loved by my bunch of wonderful friends. Special love to my bunch of secondary school friends, it'll prolly be the millionth time saying this but I love this bunch of people whom I can really pour my heart out to and for. They are an amazing part of my life and will always be. Most people say I'm fickle, every-changing and indifferent but it does not apply to this bunch. I loved the scrapbook done by these guys and I teared on the plane.

Sixuan, Brennan & Xuanliang's messages to me really made me smile, :')
Bri's simple card meant so damn much to me, really :)
Nic's scrapbook is the book I officially adore most. So much <3
Jiacai's song to me made me tear before I even left, the first song ever written/modified for me ;')
Raylene's scrapbook for me, so meaningful :)
Serene & Jane's surprise trip down to my house with my fav snacks, aww :)
Cherilynn's card & gift + words of encouragement :)
Audrey's words of encouragement & meet-ups + treats :)
Lynn's dinner & treat :)
Keith's gifts :)
Laureen's meet-up + treat :)
Stacy's 2 pages long message to me with love from Australia <3
Everybody's well-wishes.

Okay, the list needs to stop. Pardon me if I missed out anything.
Yes, I'm indeed so blessed.
And I can't believe how I'm still keeping in touch with some people so much, it's like I never left, with whatsapp & skype going on. You guys have been giving me great emotional support, Thank you.
A toast to the best friends around,
With love from Liverpool,

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