Wednesday 21 November 2012

Awesome Possum Roast Dinner

First "Roast" Dinner was AMAZEBALLS

Bible Study Group Girls :)

 Love this bunch of people

Skype with Ms Adeline Chiam Hui Ya <3

Some of the questions I get a lot:
1) Have you made any good friends?
2) Do you party a lot? 
3) Do you miss home?
4) Do you have an accent now?

As much as people think I'm having the time of my life over here, I still really miss all my favorite people in Singapore. Sometimes, I wake up thinking I'm home. (Back to the real home) But nevertheless, life goes on & I'm glad I met some awesome nice friends here. Thank God. 
A particular group of people that I really love here is my bible study group, all of us are from the Lcg church & mostly comprises people from Malaysia, Singapore & people from the UK itself :) I really love how warm this bunch of people are & how God has really blessed me with them. I'm 100% myself when I'm with them & it feels like I'm in Singapore/ like I've known them for a long time but it has been only a month that I've known them.
And the best part is that we can spur each other to grow in Christ which I'm so grateful about. Which brings me to my next point..

That too many people are thinking that I'm partying way too much & becoming wild or whatsoever not BUT don't worry. I'm not. And its not that often that I actually go, just once in awhile when there's a special occasion or so, & I'm still me if you ever Skype me. So don't worry, I know most people want the best for me-thanks guys! 

And yes, I miss home and my family & friends plus CHINESE FOOD. x

Well... the accent part. (a lot of people have been asking me this)
Basically after being here for 2 months, it is inevitable that I would speak in the British slang when I'm talking to the locals or they would have trouble understanding me. BUT when I speak to Singaporeans it's a natural reaction that I'd speak in my normal way or I'd feel extremely weird about it? I can talk to them the way I speak to the locals here but it'd feel extremely uncomfortable & I don't see the point of doing so :) Probably if I hung around for a couple of years the accent would be developed fully, but I doubt so. It's a matter of choice & I don't want my good friends in SG to have trouble understanding me, so nope :)

That aside, I managed to skype Adel after like months & it was amazing catching up! As usual, us girls could not stop talking & I was really really glad that she made an effort in our friendship, aww lots of love. I really love the feeling when people make me feel that even though I've left, nothing has changed in our friendship? It makes me feel really happy. Skipped dinner & CU as we were way to engrossed in chatting but it was worth it, it felt awesome & I love this babe! xx

Going to skype S in the next few days, I can't wait to, too :)

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