Saturday 17 November 2012

Girls' Saturday Night Out

JENGA screams FUN.

Everyone getting nervous & excited whenever someone pulls out a block


Great night spent with the girls, just chilling, catching tele & playing Jenga with lots of snacks as well. I enjoyed it a lot & I can't wait for our next outing! It was relaxing & lovely getting to know them better & all. xx

CARNAGE tomorrow. I'm screaming excited. 

Getting really comfortable here & I'm just enjoying myself quite abit here. I'm so glad. It's like I remember how I struggled for quite abit when I just got here, getting used to a different culture & all the 
things that I had to adapt to, but now, things are absolutely falling in place & I can't be more glad. 

The coming week is going to be insane but I love it. 

Here's the brief schedule (you'd prolly have read about it in my earlier post but this is roughly the skeleton of my average week here minus all the birthdays, in case people are curious what's my life here like)

Mon: Usually a rest day but this week: Flat Decorating (for christmas) & Dinner with Louise
Tues: Uni (full day in till half 4) & CU 
Wed: uni till 1, photography trip(plans in progress), bible study 
 Thur: Gym,Cafe Connect
Fri: Uni (schedule like tue), FF, Mel's Birthday Party :)
Saturday: Rest Day usually but for the coming week week: Leah's Birthday Party :)
Sunday: Churches. Modo with Janice

Sarah & I are saving up now for Paris next Spring Break in April, its a deffo-go. Yay. 

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