Sunday 11 November 2012


Picture credits to users on Pinterest, Tumblr 

 Pont de l’Archevêché/ The Love Bridge
(where people would "lock their love" & throw the key into the river)

I remember distinctively how I would tell people that I'd have my wedding pictures taken under the Effiel Tower, it seemed like a passing remark. But recently, Wanderlust has gotten the better of me. I'm like dreaming of visiting this beautiful City Of Love. And I'm really going to make it happen. Nothing like a dream come true. And I'm planning this short gettaway, something that I want to do alone. The typical reactions would prolly include a pitiful smile/ exclaiming how sad is it for me to go there alone, but I believe that its much more amazing than it could ever be. Would hate to say this but I love myself most & time has proven that. And I'm glad to do this on my own. I could go with friends if I want to, with a bit of saving & scrimping on their parts, its possible but I feel like this very special trip would lose its meaning for me? I want to be able to take in everything, breathing it all at a go & enjoying that moment by myself. It would be very different with the presence of others. I would love to travel with my friends but this is too special. 
Picture this: taking pictures, creating memoirs of every single place in Paris, strolling down the streets, having a cuppa coffee in a real cafe (unlike the 1000 & 1 back home), visiting the markets, having a picnic, reading a book under the Effiel Tower. 

And the best part of it is that, I am able to do so & I'm just an hour away from that amazing place. This is like a dream come true for me, something that I would have always dreamt of in Singapore but it would never happen but now I can make it all happen :) It's mind-blowing. Still in the midst of brushing up on my French because I want to make this the perfect trip, the best one of my life. Then, I'd add it into my travelogues & tell the story, of how I decided to do what I want to.

Don't get me wrong, hotel stays & cafe hunting are a pretty enjoyable thing to do, like what I have been reading from some famous Sg bloggers. But it just seems like, I feel much much happier, here. Far far away than doing those silly things I used to go crazy about & having the peace & quiet, liberty & ability to do meaningful & life-changing stuff :) 

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