Saturday 15 December 2012

Festive Season Of the Year ~ Christmas Party @ LCGC

Love This Bunch Like Crazy

I know I've been incessantly talking about this bunch of people but I love them like mad. I'm thankful to extremely wonderful team members who has made the party such a huge success, i didn't do much, half was because i was ill & i really wasn't able to help much but they are the most brilliant people around & I'm so happy to have met them in Liverpool :) 
This christmas party would have been impossible without them, so yeah this is the church that I'm attending currently & I enjoy it alot so i'm not intending to move elsewhere.

So its gonna be a great 2-3 weeks. Me being me, not able to handle spending the holidays alone like some lousy feeling loner during this christmas season where you're supposed to spend it with like people you love & stuff so I've got a long list of activities planned out to keep me company. In case you're wondering, everyone else is going back for Christmas to celebrate with their family. So here's my plans for this Christmas.

I'm heading to Sheffield tomorrow for a couple of days to visit Sheryl :) Which is just going to be amazing. We're gonna have lots of fun. (16th-18th)

Dad's coming over on the 20th December. YAY :D He'd be leaving on New Year's eve. Boohoo
We'd be having christmas dinner at Sook's. 

But I've made plans, of course I'm not going to like spend NY's alone at home like so pathetic loser so I'm going over to Leah's for new year! Will be going on the 31st. Hehehe for a few days & than school begins on the 7th Jan. 

How awesome. Thank God, so basically my entire hols will be packed with activities! Yay, thank God.

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