Thursday 11 October 2012

There's always a light at the end of the tunnel

Gonna admit it, this week has been a pretty rough one for me.
I did not like the whole week of getting used to being on my own, again.
It has been pretty bad because I've been so bored, no other words to replace that. But the extent of boredom is really horrible. 
Tuesday was pretty fun though; JMU's christian union 'amazing race' and I got to know Jo, who's so awesome & sweet to walk me back to my place!

Yesterday was pretty alright initially, did lunch & projects with the groupmates. But when I reached back at half 3, I did nothing except watch movies on my laptop which sucked big time. If you do know me, you would know as well that thats the worse I can ever wish for. It was so bad & to top things off, no one was heading out so I had to stay in and sleep till today. Thankfully, I did skype Joel and Keith which did help quite a bit. 

Today treated me a little better :)

Did some shopping on my own, got a new jumper and track pants as well as my groceries. Total damage amounted to £20

Met Louise for coffee & we had a great time together! I'm so stoked for the trip she's planning, totally gonna attend it. Am considering if I should go to Wales with JMU's christian union but its gonna cost me £ 60 so I'm still thinking about it. 

So yes, Louise and I had a good time and I bought a world map from Utility. Put it up and so it's sitting prettily on my wall now, one of my dreams but I'd get to that later. 

And I cooked chicken rice with cabbage in the mini rice cooker that mum has gotten me. Feel much better now!

Really love and treasure some of the friends God has blessed me with, who has been keeping in touch with me for these couple of days<3 and the many more on random days

Nicholas (Duh:)
Brina- Thank you for reading my mind dear x

Oh yes,here's what I wanted to share:
Read a couple of blogs and I'm really inspired to make good use of my free time and do things that I really enjoy :) So here's the list:

  • Master my Ukelele (i know i have been saying this for like umpteenth times)
  • Join Gym club with Sarah! To keep fit, here's to a healthy lifestyle
  • Get a JOB asap!
  • Be a GOOD COOK
  • Spend more time with GOD
  • TRAVEL around the World
I just need to keep myself occupied and everything will be fine, really good advice from people I  .
Fingers crossed that it'd be a great weekend. Going out tonight, Fellowship on Friday night, coffee with Leah & head down to Frontline on Sunday! 
Till then,

Ukelele tuning101

Ok I forced him to pose

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