Monday 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas(eve)

Daddy <3 who flew the miles to visit me

The ear cuff i got :)

Merry Christmas to the people in Singapore, still the eve here.

I'm missing all my beloved friends & family in Singapore now. I may sound a little whiny but like, our yearly eves spent together for the past few years are just :( 
Countdowns with the secondary school clique, christmas meals with family, service, cell parties & BCM Stayovers. 
I need to stop being so whiny. I could have gone home but I didn't, Oh well.

So Merry, Merry Christmas friends. But most importantly, let's not forget the true meaning of this special day, where Christ was born. That's the most amazing thing about Christmas, a king was born. 

I'm looking forward for Christmas Lunch tomorrow.

Sidetracking, I have decided that I'm gonna throw two major parties next year when I'm back home. My 21st Birthday, I know I had already celebrated last year, but more parties, greater fun! What's there to lose? So yeah, will be making plans. 
The first one will be involving my church friends & secsch clique, haven't thought of the theme but have gotten the dress for it :) It'd be an awesome time of mingling & just having fun together.

Second one would be a massive Lrm get together. Intending to have some over & just throw a pure party with all these people because I miss them & I'm never gonna see everyone together again. Spoken to a few of them & they're all agreeable & excited for it! I can't wait for like everyone to reunite & just have fun. Yay. Miss all of them because there are people that had so much fun together but we might not hang out that much. SO I CAN'T FREAKING WAIT. :)

Till laterrrr, :) 

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